Alexander Jones
[Photographer & Videographer]


Shepherd University, Shepherdstown, WV // BFA in Photo and computer imagery (expected May 2025)

WV Grant
Academic Waiver of Contemporary Art

Academic Waiver of Contemporary Art
Carl K. Rauch Fine Arts Scholarship
Directors Scholarships

Art and theater scholarship
Directors Scholarship
WV Grant

Robert and Linda Carpenter scholarship
Directors scholarship
WV Grant

Relevant Skills
Studio Preparation
Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom classic
Adobe Premiere Pro
Davinci Resolve
B&W Film development
DSLR camera operation
Film SLR camera operation

Relevant Experience

Edd Carr- Cyanotype Animation workshop (learning how to animate alt. process photography)

In.Focus Photography Club President
(planning meetings and coming up with event ideas)

Camp Caribou Sports and Media Photographer (taking photographs for parents of children at Camp Caribou to increase camp sign-ups by 20% for summer of 2025)

Shepherd University Photo Lab Monitor (maintaining a college photo lab and helping students outside of class hours)

Washington County Fan Con Volunteer
Photographer (photographing attendees in costume to promote event for the following event year)

Shepherd University Women's Soccer Team photographer (photographing games and practices)

In.Focus Photography Club Social Media Manager (promoting the club by sharing event photos, announcing events, and interacting with other clubs online)

Shepherd University Art Market Vendor (selling hand crafted art works/goods at a school-sponsored art market)

Society for Photographic Education
Student Member (networking and connecting with other photographers)

Society for Photographic Education Conference Volunteer (volunteering during a conference to guide and help visitors)

In.Focus Photography Club founder

Exhibitions & Publications
Sans Merci Art & Literary Magazine, 2025
Vulnerable, 2025, The Artist Gallery, Frederick, MD, Group Show
Self Portrait 2.29.24, 2024, LensCulture Competition Gallery, Online, Group
Hazel Berry Magazine, 2023
Artistonish Magazine, 2023
Sans Merci Art & Literary Magazine, 2023
Shepherd Art Magazine, 2023
Formal Expression, 2023, Phaze2 Gallery, Shepherd University, Shepherdstown, WV, Group show
Nature: Reformed, 2022, Woodman's Haunt Hall, Shepherd University, Shepherdstown, WV, Solo show